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In English at Le Rocquier School we believe that all of our students are capable of achieving great success. Our students work hard to master the skills they need to reach their potential and thrive in life outside of Le Rocquier. We cover a vast range of subject matter with both fiction and non-fiction texts and aim to equip our students with the skills of understanding and enrich them with a broader knowledge of the world.



At LRS English, all students have access to the curriculum. Students are placed in mixed ability classes to enable them to learn and support each other. They are part of a strong community of active learners who are capable of amazing achievements.

We believe students who receive the appropriate help and support can fully access the teaching and learning experiences within the classroom settings. We aim to teach all of our students how to leverage their strengths in areas that may be difficult, and how to advocate for the tools that they need in order to succeed.

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