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Gifted and Talented Programme

Our Work

In KS3, there are plenty of opportunities to stretch and challenge yourself. From poetry and short stories, to speech writing and journalism, LRS English has a space for your talent.



I Come From...

The students explored the theme of identity; using a poem by spoken word artist Christian Foley entitled "I come from" as a springboard for their ideas. Together, we considered all the different facets of our lives, families and experiences that come together to make us who we are. 


Once the students had formulated their ideas, they then re-drafted; adding in language techniques and 'up-lifting' their descriptive vocabulary to create vivid and evocative poems.



We began this topic on 'emotions' by considering how we could describe emotions using the metaphor of our senses e.g. If anger was a smell what would it be?


The students then distilled this work into Haikus, choosing an emotion that resonated with them.



The Box

In this piece of work the students used the metaphor of a box to explore and express their identity.


Memoir Moments

Last term, some of our Y7 students built upon their work on identity and started writing a memoir.


Once they had written a first draft of their remembered moment, the students then chose one dramatic moment and "free-framed" it. They re-drafted numerous times until they were satisfied that they had used a variety of language and structure techniques. 


These are some key moments identified by the students that they have shared with Miss Bridge.

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